About us

About us

UKARA is the trade association of UK Authorised Representatives (also known as Responsible Persons)

We verify, support and promote persons or businesses representing manufacturers of products placed on the market in Great Britain and certain British territories under applicable laws in Britain requiring competent and qualified persons.

Any UKAR/RP not registered with UKARA is not recognised as fully-competent and so the standard of service might be variable. Further, UKARA aims to ensure UKAR/RPs operate to uniform standards and ethics, as well as being able to comply with their legal obligations. Once registered with UKARA, their clients or employees can be assured of a professionally-recognised service provider.

UKARA members must be fully compliant with the requirements set by the relevant regulatory bodies, ensuring consumers can continue to access safe and quality products in the UK. Individuals who sign up to UKARA must put their services under intense but necessary scrutiny to demonstrate their quality, technical and regulatory competence.

The UK Authorised Representatives Association (UKARA) credentials, registers and maintains a list / database of professional representatives.

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